A bit earlier than last years one which bodes well for a summer filled with thundery weather, well actually 2 days earlier but still it was a good un. I wholeheartedly appologise for the crappyness of the photo I chose I was out in the storm and forgot to take my camera. I did get thoroughly soaked on a trip to Aimee's Hardware store in Rusholme which as ever was a fantastic cleansing experience.
Another significant thing is taht I bought a rain stick yesterday so I suspect that yours truly had something to do with the storm, my supernatural shamanistic thai-chee powers are not to be trifled with.
Oh the photo is of a part of my new back yard, fantastic it is too with ants and everything apart from flowers and plants I garden with a broom.
Fimally thanks to mr GE who has plugged me as being rather spasmodic (even though I prefer the trem rather spasmodic and irreverand) on his around the world site, thanks I appreciate anything the increases the volume of traffic through my site. (don't forget to click on teh ads I need a new camera)