20 July, 2006
Spring Gardens 20/07/06

19 July, 2006
Abstract Art & My Poofy Bag
18 July, 2006
Lunchtime Drinking is The Future, 18/07/06

Lunchtime drinking is indeed the way forward, though from our view of the attic from the Salisbury we could see that something was wrong. The Salisbury also smelt funny, so it was off to the Scholar for rum and coke a far more sensible state of affairs.

During my rather splended lunch I compsed a letter to Gerald Kaufman demanding that he take active steps to remove Tony Blair from power, every little bit helps.
17 July, 2006
Summer in Manchester, 17/07/06

16 July, 2006
The Floating Car of Rusholme, 16/07/07

I don't half take photos of a pile of old shite don't I. this floating car confused the hell out of us for a while, but then we are innocent barmen, and while we are on that subject start tipping you bastards and more than 20p a time please, I have a child to support, and a new guitar to buy. Anyway we then spotted the forklift that was supporting it and the bald bloke who was working under it, there was also a bloke in the car pressing the brake pedals (we spotted this when the brake lights kept flashing). It is good to see that Manchester Mechanics are so safety concious. If anyone can come up with a suitable caption as to what the bloke in the stupid hat is saying to the blonde on the bike please feel free to enlighten me, better still if you know then then make up some sucrrilous rumour about them, it is the summer and all this heat is affecting my mind.
15 July, 2006
A Trip Into Yorkshire 15/07/06

Above is some B road heading into Holmefirth (where a god awful TV program is made about old people, who die every now and then is made, Yorkshire does not deserve TV). This was at the summit of the road on which I annoyed some muppet in a 4 x4 who could nopt fathom out the idea that my 1.1 litre fiat cannot get out of 2nd gear when it is going up anything more than a 10% incline. 4x4's should be destroyed anyway. Going down is a whole barrell of fun though.

This is possibly the most interesting thing in Holmefirth, other than wondering which member of the cast of an aforementioned god awful TV program is going to die next. Much mor interesting is playing a game of which member of The Who is going to die next my bets are on Roger Daltery in a bizzare trout farm accident, playing this game with the Beatles is no fun as you know that they are dying in reverse order of tallent.

And here is proof of how tightfisted Yorkshiemen are too bloody mean to even build a half decent dry stone dyke.
03 July, 2006
1 minute and 15 Seconds on Oldham Street

02 July, 2006
Rusholme in The Rain 02/07/06