30 August, 2006

Whitworth Street Carpark, 30/08/06

Hopefully the 3 forklifts here are a sign that this carbuncle is going to be transformed into something that involves ducks, I doubt it though.

26 August, 2006

Roseburn, Edinburgh, 26/08/06

Auld Reekie is a beautiful, pictureesque, metropolitian and highly cultured city and I miss it, but for some unknown sick and twisted reason the thing I miss most about my home is McEwans Lager.

24 August, 2006


Whatever this photo is off confuses the hell out of me, It was supposed to be of a levitating pint of lager which we had skillfully levitated with the power of our not insubstantial minds. It even looked like a levitating pint, but it mystically transformed into something else. I am pleased with the result.

Unlike the downgrading of Pluto which is no longer a planet I demand JUSTICE, I am writing to my MP regarding this scandal with the hope that he puts it right along with other things such as the gross incompitence of Manchester Housing, lets see which one gets sorted first.