28 December, 2007
23 December, 2007
Platt Fields Park In December
29 October, 2007
Footwell of my Punto
Ha ha not posted anything in a while cause I am dead lazy and proud of it too. Here is a photo of the footwell in my punto which is 11 next year and hopefully will be got rid of soon. The photo represents servitude or something pointless like that............. oh and I have started using flikr just to see what happens.....
12 August, 2007
05 July, 2007
Lunchtime Drinking German Style
03 July, 2007
Wonderful Weather For Ducks on Whitworth Street
Lizard People,
Summer In Manchester
29 June, 2007
Drink Beer and Smoke Tabs 29/6/2007

A few non smoking freinds have been going on about how great it is but is it?????? THIS IS THE THIN EDGE OF THE WEDGE. How long before we have to use ID cards to buy alcohol and are faced with the indignity of being forced to have a breathaliser before we have a pint. I may be being a bit paranoid here but I don't think so. The powers taht be would be happy if all we did was stay at home log onto the internet and ponce about on social networking sites, what a great way to keep us servile and compliant. So Tonight and Tomorrow night I emplore you to go out and drink tabs and smoke beer even if you don't smoke DO IT, and whilst you are at it have sex with strangers and take illicit drugs too, cuase it is the end of an era and the begining of a new and worrying era.............
24 June, 2007
23 June, 2007
Learn To Park and Stop Messing my Planet Up. 23/06/2007
14 June, 2007
13 June, 2007
Garden Pests Avoiding a Drowning 13/7/07
I am not overly keen on snails and general slimy things and as I only garden with a broom then this act of climbing the wall to avoid being drowned by the rain was only a stay of execution for these blighters. I am off to get slug pellets or a bucket full of slops from the pub so they can die happy. OOOOHHH isn't that cruel I hear you cry well I suppose it could be but considering the number of these blighters in my back yard alone they are hardly an endangered species, and I don't want my daughter sticking them in her mouth either.
12 June, 2007
10 June, 2007
Crappy Storm 10/06/2007
What a bloody disapointment that storm was last night a lot of promise but no fizzle boo hiss. I even cursed god to strike me dowm from the steps this was taken from. Our one solitary customer in the beer garden was happily looking forward to the event too only to have disapointment snapped from the jaws of disallusionment (I can't be arsed spelling proper today).
On another note some nonce is posting pictures of us working in the pub on facebook, I can't find him there but if anyone knows the url could you let us know so that we can send the boys round to sort him out.
"ooohhh where are we going, to the indian ocean?"
"Something like that flipper, ever heard of lambeth bridge?" ------ Boot
08 June, 2007
07 June, 2007
Industrial Abstraction 07/07/2007
Bored and Got Nothing to Do,
Workplace Sex
05 June, 2007
Mechanical Hand of Death on Hatersage Road. 5/7/2007
The huge mechanical claw started being really impressive when I boarded the bus here and I looked out of teh back window with awe and a tinge of sadness as I wanted a shot on it.
147 Bus Route,
Mechanical Claws,
04 June, 2007
Global Warming In Manchester, 4/7/2007
31 May, 2007
First Thundersorn Of The Summer 31/5/07
Another significant thing is taht I bought a rain stick yesterday so I suspect that yours truly had something to do with the storm, my supernatural shamanistic thai-chee powers are not to be trifled with.
Oh the photo is of a part of my new back yard, fantastic it is too with ants and everything apart from flowers and plants I garden with a broom.
Fimally thanks to mr GE who has plugged me as being rather spasmodic (even though I prefer the trem rather spasmodic and irreverand) on his around the world site, thanks I appreciate anything the increases the volume of traffic through my site. (don't forget to click on teh ads I need a new camera)
Rusholme Ruffians,
Apocalytic and Doom Laden Back Street in M14, 31/5/2007
28 May, 2007
Farwell To Thorn Court, Salford. 28/05/07
27 March, 2007
18 March, 2007
Cranes and Ugly Porcelain Dogs 16/3/07
The mentioning of BDSM in a previous post was a slightly sucessfull attept to get a a higher amount of traffic through here for the minimum work. It has been moderatley sucessfull with one visitor actually seraching for BDSM photos visiting my page so far. I hope he was not dissapointed. Anyhow as you can see from above my crane fetish is still healthy and that building is still going on at a surprising rate here near piccadilly.
15 March, 2007
Greent Things On Trees in Next To Canal Street, 15/03/2007

Bondage Monkey In Trafford. 10/3/07
God knows who thought that tying up a monkey to the front of a Ford garage would increase sales, animal cruelty is wrong but animal bdsm is totally and utterley and completley wrong. I am not going to buy a Ford in protest at this atrocity.
30 January, 2007
25 January, 2007
Absolut Lomo Competition
Those wonderfull people at absolut are sending me a Lomo camera.
All you have to do to win one from me is to upload a picture Absolut Lomowall, and then give me the "blog this"-link. Leave a message in the comments section below and I will judge who is the most unique and individual..............................
I will also host any pictures submitted to the competion on this blog, so you don't need to be a blogger to join in the fun................
All you have to do to win one from me is to upload a picture Absolut Lomowall, and then give me the "blog this"-link. Leave a message in the comments section below and I will judge who is the most unique and individual..............................
I will also host any pictures submitted to the competion on this blog, so you don't need to be a blogger to join in the fun................
20 January, 2007
Dumham Massey, 20-01-2007
One Became the victim of a sudden attack of creativity whilst visiting Dunham Massey today. This is not right and should be stopped, aw bugger it I am having a beer to celebrate it.

18 January, 2007
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